Monday, December 7, 2015

Marriam-Webster Drops “Going Postal” As Definition of Act of Terrorism

A suburban New York private postal store. Photo: Daniel Oines/TYDN
SPRINGFIELD, MA.—(TYDN) Merriam-Webster removed the phrase "going postal" from its upcoming 2016 dictionary edition, a move insiders said reflects reality and language of the modern world, TheYellowDailyNews has learned.

Wordsmiths at Marriam-Webster, one of the world’s oldest publishing concerns, said in an exclusive interview with TheYellowDailyews late Monday that “going postal” is no longer relevant language in today’s U.S. society. The term was first introduced into dictionaries in the early 1990s after disgruntled U.S. Postal Service workers in that decade began indiscrimantely killing their managers, co-workers and customers in highly publicized acts of terrorism.

“We have concluded that many postal service workers still continue their hatred toward life, but because the FBI has taken the service off of its terror watchlist, we felt compelled to remove the ‘going postal’ term from our dictionary as it is no longer relevant,” Marriam-Webster spokesman Reed Wordstein told TheYellowDailyNews in an exclusive interview.

"Hot" Bo Derrick
Analysts said it was the biggest removal of language from a dictionary following Marriam-Webster eliminating the phrase “Bo Derrick” from its definition of "hot." immediately decried the latest move by Merriam-Webster. The Oakland, Calif., online dictionary said the term “going postal” is still relevant today.

“We all know that you can substitute the term ‘going postal’ with many acts of terrorism that are happening today,” spokesman Booker Stein told TheYellowDailyNews in an exclusive interview. “The next thing you know Marriam-Webster will remove 'gun control' from its dictionary.”

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